Turning 50: The Year My Marriage Changed For The Better

Turning 50 for me was a pivotal time in our marriage.  I was lonely, bored and needed to grow emotionally and spiritually.  I was worn out from all the kids activities and not taking care of myself for so many years.  I felt my husband and I emotionally fade as the years went by because of our careers, the many functions of parenting and our outside commitments at church.  It was almost scary to think that in a few years our son would be going off to college and it would be just Lou and I alone in this big house.  I realized that it was time to turn my marriage around and I knew that I needed to take the lead because that is what us women do well.  I started reading books on marriage, as much as time allowed.  By 51 I had read 15 books on how to create a better marriage which was good but I needed to get that information from my head into my heart and in to my marriage.  That is when I decided to get certified as a life coach so I could not only help my marriage but also help coach other married couples in how to have a better marriage in their lives. 

After coaching for several years, I wanted to find better tools to help couples achieve their results faster and permanently. That was when I was introduced to Dr. Amen and the Amen Clinics.  Understanding how the brain worked and how a healthy brain was vital to a successful marriage, I discovered a better way to help my clients.  I found that what most couples were doing was not working.  Couples who went through counseling were not getting the tools they needed to create a great marriage and just staying stuck.  I understood the reason for the lack of their success because the information they were receiving was based on their spouse’s performance and how they treated them.  I found this method to never last permanently because as humans we fail ourselves let alone fail our spouse so couples therapy didn’t seem to help and many spouses went back to arguing and picking on each other.  

Then a God thing happened.  I discovered Casual Coaching; a method that helps coaches get to the root cause of a problem.   Instead of bandaging the situation in the marriage, we teach you tools created to solve and heal every problem or circumstance in life.  The method I use is the model and I teach each spouse how to use it daily in their life for all kinds of things.  Then I teach each couple the marriage model which they learn how to merge their models and come together as a couple to create a solution to any marital problem.  

Married life is so much fun now and I am happy to teach you these tools.  Coaching with me is very affordable and great results are seen almost immediately in a marriage. 

Lori Giovannini is a Catholic Marriage and Family Life Coach who has also trained as a Brain Health Coach with Amen Clinics. 

Happy Over 50 Marriage Counseling

Lori Giovannini is a Certified Marriage and Family Life Coach, a Couples Weight Loss Coach, and a Certified Brain Health Coach with Amen Clinics. Lori served as the Executive Director of a large Catholic Women’s Nonprofit before becoming a Coach. 

Not only is Lori an experienced Relationship and Brain Health Coach, she has 20 years of experience facilitating marriage retreats, workshops and seminars with her husband Lou, a Deacon in the Catholic Church. 

Her heart has always been in the prayer and healing ministry. She helps both spouses and married couples grow mentally, emotionally, intimately and spiritually through private coaching, group couples coaching, courses, bible studies and retreats. 

She has proven coaching tools and couple’s techniques to help spouses at any stage or phase of their marriage. Today she helps couples successfully BLOOM in to their second half of married life with love, purpose, passion and fulfilled faith.

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